POSTPONED – DATE: TBD for California State Assembly Meeting with Assemblymember Jim Frazier

POSTPONED – DATE: TBD! ASSEMBLYMEMBER ADRIN NAZARIAN Invites You To A Meeting With: ASSEMBLYMEMBER JIM FRAZIER Chair of the Select Committee on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities [...]


Rally to Save Lanterman Act Services & Fund the Direct Support Workforce for Californians with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities!

California’s lawmakers must fund the services and supports people with intellectual and developmental disabilities rely on to access their civil rights. Join us in Van Nuys on April 5, 2019 [...]


Have you checked out Tierra’s Upland Art Center & First Street Gallery?

Did you know that Tierra’s Upland Art Center and First Street Gallery are open and thriving in the city of Upland?  First Street Gallery has represented the artists who work out of the [...]


A Working Force

Did you know that the United States Department of Labor just celebrated more than 70 years of inclusion for individuals with disabilities who are part of the labor force? This year’s theme was [...]