Rally to Save Lanterman Act Services & Fund the Direct Support Workforce for Californians with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities!
6150 Van Nuys Blvd. (at Delano St.) Van Nuys
CA 91401

California’s lawmakers must fund the services and supports people with intellectual and developmental disabilities rely on to access their civil rights. Join us in Van Nuys on April 5, 2019 to demand that our lawmakers #KeepThePromise to the I/DD community.
Schedule and Location:
12:00 -1:30 PM: Van Nuys State Office Building 6150 Van Nuys Blvd (at Delano St.) Van Nuys, CA 91401
Activities: March around State Offices (bring signs and wear comfortable shoes), Sign letters to Legislators, Listen to Speakers
Contact: Steve Miller – steve.sj.miller@gmail.com
More than 330,000 Californians with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities live in our state; they are our neighbors, classmates, coworkers, family, and friends; however, their support structure has been grossly underfunded and is failing. Direct support staff are quitting the field or working multiple jobs due to low wages, essential programs are closing throughout the state, and individuals are forced to live with inadequate supports or without supports at all.