Tee Off for Tierra POSTPONED!

 In Blog
In the interest of the https://junglefitnessoc.com/ambien-for-sale/ health of our golfers, guests, clients, volunteers, and staff during the COVID-19 pandemic, we have postponed
Tierra’s Annual Charity Golf Tournament until
Monday, October 5, 2020
Oakmont Country Club, Glendale
Our deepest gratitude to the sponsors and participants who continue to support this vital fundraiser. We look forward to seeing everyone soon!
You can still support our tournament!
Honor a family member or business with a tee sign

Participate in our Raffle

Place an ad in our tribute book

Join us for our Outdoor Dinner Reception

Donate an item to our silent and live auction

Not a Golfer?

• Honor a family member with a tee sign

• Place an ad in the tribute journal

• Join us for dinner, program, and auctions

• Enter our High Seas Raffle

Advertising Opportunities

Full Page $750 (5.5” w x 8.5” h)

Half Page $500 (5.5” w x 4.5” h)

Third of a Page $250 (5.5” w x 2.5” h)

Tee Sign $200

All artwork due by Friday, August 21, 2020

Artwork for ads/logos should be high-res PDF, PNG, or EPS files.

Please send artwork to Janice Estrada, jestrada@tierradelsol.org

If you have any questions or require assistance, please contact
Jessica Asciolla at jasciolla@tierradelsol.org.
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