Take Action! Urge Legislators to Reject Delay of $1 Billion to Disability Services

 In act now, Advocacy, Articles, Blog, IDD, Legislative action, legislature, Services for People With Disabilities, Special Needs, Special Needs Services, state budget, take action
Dear Advocates,
Governor Gavin Newsom has proposed to delay a $1 billion investment in critical supports and services for Californians with developmental disabilities. Our community has endured underfunding for decades. It weakened the direct support workforce, making it harder for people with disabilities and their families to access reliable services. State leaders know how urgent it is to stabilize the disability services system. That’s why they planned a funding increase this year. The impact of delaying this desperately needed funding will be nothing short of a cut to services.

In fact, it is one of the LARGEST proposed delays or cuts in the Governor’s 2024-25 state budget. This is unacceptable and will be tragic to safety net services! This setback sends a message that the promise of the Lanterman Act – made to 458,000 Californians with disabilities and their families – is not a priority to the state.

Your heroic advocacy efforts in 2022 resulted in overwhelming bi-partisan support from our Senators and Assemblymembers to ensure services through regional centers are more adequately funded by July 1, 2024. Now, the Governor wants to delay that funding!

Keeping the promised funding implemented THIS YEAR would:

  1. Address an acute workforce crisis by offering competitive wages to attract and retain direct support professionals who deliver vital, hands-on services and support to people with disabilities;
  2. Improve access to housing, transportation, individualized programs, and desperately needed respite services for parents, families, and most importantly, the people benefitting from support.

Once again, we need ALL OF YOU – individuals with developmental disabilities, their families, support staff, service providers, regional centers and advocates – to TAKE ACTION!

Individuals with developmental disabilities and their families are receiving only a fraction of their authorized services or going without services altogether due to critical staffing shortages. Waitlists for housing and other programs continue to grow.

Join the disability community in urging the Legislature to reject the Governor’s proposal delaying $1 billion for the disability community, and make the investment on July 1, 2024, AS PROMISED. It can’t wait!

Let’s ensure the 458,000 Californians and their families are protected and not living in a state of crisis.

Together, we can put people with disabilities on a path to thrive THIS YEAR! Californians with disabilities and the professionals who serve them deserve a chance to live full and equitable lives. Taking this action NOW can ensure access to the quality services that individuals with disabilities and their families rely on and deserve.

California must commit to these investments THIS YEAR to address the workforce crisis and ensure that Californians with disabilities can THRIVE and not just survive.



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