Employment and Volunteer Partners Lead Equity and Inclusion
When it comes to equity and inclusion, Tierra’s Employment & Volunteer Partners lead by example. On November 6th, Tierra honored the businesses and organizations that have taken the leap of faith to join Tierra in its mission to create pathways of employment for people with disabilities. The event, held at Valley Presbyterian Hospital’s Jean & David Fleming Health Education Center, was filled with moving speeches, testimonials, and an abundance of smiles as honorees received their awards. Souren Ohanian of Chance Vintage in Burbank, an eco-conscious business that resells, recycles, and reworks clothing with the goal of normalizing quality sustainable fashion, shared how his organization and Tierra’s mission and values closely align.
“It’s a pleasure and a privilege to be working with Tierra del Sol and their associates. As a business focused on sustainability, we take it upon ourselves to encourage a society that is operating with ethics and consciousness, especially when it comes to the inclusivity of people from all walks of life who seek betterment despite circumstances. We are grateful to facilitate inclusivity together. Tierra del Sol has shaped our environmental working spirit for the better.”
Christopher Herrera, owner of Chatsworth Grocery Outlet, echoed similar sentiments and was thrilled to see that partnerships between Grocery Outlet and Tierra are rapidly growing. “I had no idea there were several additional stores being honored tonight and I am so proud to be one of them.” Monique and Dale Mascari, owners of the Canoga Park Grocery Outlet, expressed their gratitude for the recognition and shared, “this has been a great partnership. Everyone is so easy to work with at Tierra, and the support is incredible. We’ve worked with other employment groups from other agencies in the past, and Tierra is, by far, the best!”
While the night was filled with uplifting speeches, Rebecca Lienhard, Tierra CEO, delivered a staggering workforce development statistic. “For the last three decades the unemployment rate for people with disabilities has been 75%.” Rebecca asked, “How do we communicate the benefits of hiring a person with disabilities to the employers at the table? How do we undo the biases….the true barrier? I know that when I look around this room, I am preaching to the choir because you all understand. We can’t change the world alone, but together we can change the unemployment rate for the 800 people that Tierra serves. Join me in our ten year goal to flip the unemployment stat.”
Congratulations to our 2024 Awardees! Thank you for being amazing partners.
“There are two ways of looking at the world. You can either look at the world through scarcity or through abundance. And if you look at it through scarcity, you’re concerned about what you need, making sure other people don’t get your share, and being at the front of the line. But, if you look at the world through the eyes of abundance, you say, ‘hmm… there’s enough to go around. We can share and help others who might need a little help.’ In this time, we need to remember to look through the eyes of abundance. That to me, is at the heart of volunteering. You’re trying to make a difference in the lives of many people, and you’re also enriching your life as you do it. Thank you very much.”
—Suzi Hoge Recipient of the Star Thrower Award for outstanding work as an exemplary volunteer